剑桥大学 (University of Cambridge) 特色:英国顶尖学府,全球学术研究的中心,尤其在理科、社会科学、文学等领域具有世界影响力。 0100 名校推荐# cambridge# of# research
耶鲁大学 (Yale University) Since its founding in 1701, Yale University has been dedicated to expanding and sharing knowledge,特色:美国常春藤盟校之一,拥有出色的法学、商学、社会科学和人文学科。 090 名校推荐# 耶鲁大学
The University of Chicago One of the world’s leading research universities, the University of Chicago inspires scholars to pursue field-defining research, while providing a tra 0130 名校推荐# chicago# home# of